Monthly contact lenses are typically the standard choice for contact lens wearers. As with daily contact lenses the wearer must remove monthly lenses before sleeping. The difference is that they must be stored in a special contact lens case after being thoroughly cleaned with contact lens solution. The advantage of these lenses is they usually are cheaper than the daily option. With monthly contact lenses, the wearer is responsible for keeping them clean every day. This is because certain types of bacteria are harmful to the eye and can cause long term problems with your vision.
Daily contact lenses are worn for one day and then disposed off. The advantages of daily lenses include that they do not require cleaning, unlike monthly contact lenses. Moreover, you do not need to bring your contact lens case and solution with you on an overnight trip. You simply dispose off your current lenses (responsibly!) and insert new ones the next day. Daily lenses do tend to be slightly more expensive than the monthly option. This is only if you plan on wearing your daily lenses every day. If you only wish to wear your contacts every other day – or even just at the weekend – then the price is reasonable.
You can wear extended contact lenses non-stop for an extended period of time: some lenses for 7 days and soma for a month. Many find these lenses ideal because they can insert them and then forget about them until they have to be removed.
The wearer must be aware that this kind of contact lens is not perfect for everybody. On the other hand some people might find it quite uncomfortable to wear the same lenses for such a long time.
All of our lenses feature built-in UV filters, which help to protect the wearer´s eyes from dangerous UV rays from the sun. In addition, it is advised that you wear sunglasses and a hat with a brim to get the best protection all year round.